Printable Christmas Books

Printable Christmas Books

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Wrapping paper, ribbons, tinsel, carols, candy canes. I can almost smell Christmas. That means at our house we are in the full swing of the preparation for this holiday, and I am doing what I can to help foster the spirit of giving with the kids. We love spending time making homemade gifts that will hopefully speak to the heart of the holiday, and as my kids will readily tell you, if I can combine the gift giving with a learning experience (the eternal homeschooler in me), it is the best present ever.

Free Printables for Christmas Gifts

When I was a little girl, my father always told me he only wanted me to give him gifts that I created with my own hands. This tradition we have been carrying on to our children, and encouraging them to give of themselves during the holidays. The following two printable books encourage kids to write, create, and give of themselves. Dad would be happy!

Christmas Recipe Book

Print these pages and have your little one compile all of his favorite recipes to present to someone as a Christmas gift. There are different styles of pages from which to choose, and room on each page for your child to either draw or take, print, and paste a picture of the finished product. Then staple, hole punch and tie with ribbon, or put into a folder.

Memory Book

Have your little one use this printable memory book to create a personalized gift for someone special – Grandma, an aunt or uncle, or even a special neighbor. There are pages on which to record special memories, and boxes where your kids can draw illustrations for each memory. Print all of the pages or just the ones you want – even just one page of a special memory is a great gift.


My kids used to love to give coupons – for hugs, loading the dishwasher, making breakfast in bed, or anything else they thought the recipient would appreciate. Just print these basic templates and let your child decide what each person on his or her gift list might like.

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