Parenting for Peace with Marcy Axness

Parenting for Peace with Marcy Axness

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Join us for an author event that will get you thinking about parenting ideas in ways you never imagined!

Better Parenting is excited to announce that Marcy Axness, Mothering blogger and parenting expert, will be sharing her insights and ideas about her new book Parenting for Peace right here on April 23rd. Keep an eye on Better Parenting for her posts and our Facebook page to talk with Marcy on April 23rd!

What to Expect

Mommy Mind-Meld: Turbo-Charge Your Baby’s Brain Development

Early development specialist and Parenting for Peace author Marcy Axness, PhD, shares the latest scientific secrets for how you can easily chart a course of future success for your baby. She’ll reveal:

  • the amazing research proving you and your baby are a single biological unit when you interact — and how to use that knowledge to boost both your brains’ power!
  • toys and activities that build brain power (and ones that drain brains, too – like Baby Einstein and other screen-based entertainment)
  • what the heck epigenetics is and how it can work for you! Insights to use right now…
  • how pregnancy is “Nature’s Head Start Program”; knowing what lessons take place can help you start your baby off right… and understand if baby’s early weeks aren’t going so smoothly

An early development specialist and parent counselor, Marcy is also a popular international speaker on attachment, culture,and child and parent development. Featured in several documentary films as an expert in adoption, prenatal development, and Waldorf education, Marcy’s combination of life experience, cultural acumen, and scholarly credibility uniquely equip her to provide compelling and entertaining guidance through the thicket of choices parents today face in raising children.

Marcy wrote Parenting for Peace as both invitation and challenge: if we really want to change the world, let’s raise a generation “built for peace”… from the very beginning. Her book is a user-friendly scientific roadmap for how to do exactly that – detailing a unique seven-step, seven-principle matrix for hardwiring our babies and children with the brain circuitry for such essential peacemaker capacities as self-regulation, empathy, intelligence, trust and imagination, while in the process, bringing more joy into family life!

Marcy will be making other stops on her blog tour:

Eco Child’s Play
Elevating Child Care
Positive Parenting Skills
Creating a Family

Make sure to join us at Better Parenting and Marcy on April 23rd for more! 

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